19. Chapter 19
One Hundred Years of Solitude / 百年孤独1AMARANTA URSULA returned with the angels of December, driven on a sailor’s breeze, leading her
2husband by a silk rope tied around his neck. She appeared without warning, wearing an ivory-
3colored dress, a string of pearls that reached almost to her knees, emerald and topaz rings, and with
4her straight hair in a smooth bun held behind her ears by swallow-tail brooches. The man whom she
5had married six months before was a thin, older Fleming with the look of a sailor about him. She
6had only to push open the door to the parlor to realize that her absence had been longer and more
7destructive than she had imagined.
8“Good Lord,” she shouted, more gay than alarmed, “it’s obvious that there’s no woman in this
9house! ”
10The baggage would not fit on the porch. Besides Fernanda’s old tmnk, which they had sent her
11off to school with, she had two upright tmnks, four large suitcases, a bag for her parasols, eight
12hatboxes, a gigantic cage with half a hundred canaries, and her husband’s velocipede, broken down
13in a special case which allowed him to carry it like a cello. She did not even take a day of rest after
14the long trip. She put on some worn denim overalls that her husband had brought along with other
15automotive items and set about on a new restoration of the house. She scattered the red ants, who
16had already taken possession of the porch, brought the rose bushes back to life, uprooted the weeds,
17and planted ferns, oregano, and begonias again in the pots along the railing. She took charge of a
18crew of carpenters, locksmiths, and masons, who filled in the cracks in the floor, put doors and
19windows back on their hinges, repaired the furniture, and white-washed the walls inside and out, so
20that three months after her arrival one breathed once more the atmosphere of youth and festivity
21that had existed during the days of the pianola. No one in the house had ever been in a better mood
22at all hours and under any circumstances, nor had anyone ever been readier to sing and dance and
23toss all items and customs from the past into the trash. With a sweep of her broom she did away
24with the funeral mementos and piles of useless trash and articles of superstition that had been piling
25up in the corners, and the only thing she spared, out of gratitude to Ursula, was the daguerreotype of
26Remedios in the parlor. “My, such luxury,” she would shout, dying with laughter. “A fourteen-year-
27old grandmother!” When one of the masons told her that the house was full of apparitions and that
28the only way to drive them out was to look for the treasures they had left buried, she replied amid
29loud laughter that she did not think it was right for men to be superstitious. She was so spontaneous,
30so emancipated, with such a free and modern spirit, that Aureliano did not know what to do with his
31body when he saw her arrive. “My, my!” she shouted happily with open arms. “Look at how my
32darling cannibal has grown!” Before he had a chance to react she had already put a record on the
33portable phonograph she had brought with her and was trying to teach him the latest dance steps.
34She made him change the dirty pants that he had inherited from Colonel Aureliano Buendfa and
35gave him some youthful shirts and two-toned shoes, and she would push him into the street when
36he was spending too much time in Melquiades’ room.
37Active, small, and indomitable like Ursula, and almost as pretty and provocative as Remedios the
38Beauty, she was endowed with a rare instinct for anticipating fashion. When she received pictures of
39the most recent fashions in the mail, they only proved that she had not been wrong about the
40models that she designed herself and sewed on Amaranta’s primitive pedal machine. She subscribed
41to every fashion magazine, art publication, and popular music review published in Europe, and she
42had only to glance at them to realize that things in the world were going just as she imagined they
43were. It was incomprehensible why a woman with that spirit would have returned to a dead town
44burdened by dust and heat, and much less with a husband who had more than enough money to live anywhere in the world and who loved her so much that he let himself be led around by her on a silk
45leash. As time passed, however, her intention to stay was more obvious, because she did not make
46any plans that were not a long way off, nor did she do anything that did not have as an aim the
47search for a comfortable life and a peaceful old age in Macondo. The canary cage showed that those
48aims were made up on the spur of the moment. Remembering that her mother had told her in a
49letter about the extermination of the birds, she had delayed her trip several months until she found a
50ship that stopped at the Fortunate Isles and there she chose the finest twenty-five pairs of canaries
51so that she could repopulate the skies of Macondo. That was the most lamentable of her numerous
52frustrated undertakings. As the birds reproduced Amaranta Ursula would release them in pairs, and
53no sooner did they feel themselves free than they fled the town. She tried in vain to awaken love in
54them by means of the bird cage that Ursula had built during the first reconstruction of the house.
55Also in vain were the artificial nests built of esparto grass in the almond trees and the birdseed
56strewn about the roofs, and arousing the captives so that their songs would dissuade the deserters,
57because they would take flights on their first attempts and make a turn in the sky, just the time
58needed to find the direction to the Fortunate Isles.
59A year after her return, although she had not succeeded in making any friends or giving any
60parties, Amaranta Ursula still believed that it was possible to rescue the community which had been
61singled out by misfortune. Gaston, her husband, took care not to antagonize her, although since that
62fatal noon when he got off the train he realized that his wife’s determination had been provoked by
63a nostalgic mirage. Certain that she would be defeated by the realities, he did not even take the
64trouble to put his velocipede together, but he set about hunting for the largest eggs among the
65spider webs that the masons had knocked down, and he would open them with his fingernails and
66spend hours looking through a magnifying glass at the tiny spiders that emerged. Later on, thinking
67that Amaranta Ursula was continuing with her repairs so that her hands would not be idle, he
68decided to assemble the handsome bicycle, on which the front wheel was much larger than the rear
69one, and he dedicated himself to the capture and curing of every native insect he could find in the
70region, which he sent in jam jars to his former professor of natural history at the University of Liege
71where he had done advanced work in entomology, although his main vocation was that of aviator.
72When he rode the bicycle he would wear acrobat’s tights, gaudy socks, and a Sherlock Holmes cap,
73but when he was on foot he would dress in a spotless natural linen suit, white shoes, a silk bow tie, a
74straw boater, and he would carry a willow stick in his hand. His pale eyes accentuated his look of a
75sailor and his small mustache looked like the fur of a squirrel. Although he was at least fifteen years
76older than his wife, his alert determination to make her happy and his qualities as a good lover
77compensated for the difference. Actually, those who saw that man in his forties with careful habits,
78with the leash around his neck and his circus bicycle, would not have thought that he had made a
79pact of unbridled love with his wife and that they both gave in to the reciprocal drive in the least
80adequate of places and wherever the spirit moved them, as they had done since they had began to
81keep company, and with a passion that the passage of time and the more and more unusual
82circumstances deepened and enriched. Gaston was not only a fierce lover, with endless wisdom and
83imagination, but he was also, perhaps, the first man in the history of the species who had made an
84emergency landing and had come close to killing himself and his sweetheart simply to make love in a
85field of violets.
86They had met two years before they were married, when the sports biplane in which he was
87making rolls over the school where Amaranta Ursula was studying made an intrepid maneuver to
88avoid the flagpole and the primitive framework of canvas and aluminum foil was caught by the tail
89on some electric wires. From then on, paying no attention to his leg in splints, on weekends he
90would pick up Amaranta Ursula at the nun’s boardinghouse where she lived, where the rules were
91not as severe as Fernanda had wanted, and he would take her to his country club. They began to love each other at an altitude of fifteen hundred feet in the Sunday air of the moors, and they felt all
92the closer together as the beings on earth grew more and more minute. She spoke to him of
93Macondo as the brightest and most peaceful town on earth, and of an enormous house, scented
94with oregano, where she wanted to live until old age with a loyal husband and two strong sons who
95would be named Rodrigo and Gonzalo, never Aureliano and Jose Arcadio, and a daughter who
96would be named Virginia and never Remedios. She had evoked the town idealized by nostalgia with
97such strong tenacity that Gaston understood that she would not get married unless he took her to
98live in Macondo. He agreed to it, as he agreed later on to the leash, because he thought it was a
99passing fancy that could be overcome in time. But when two years in Macondo had passed and
100Amaranta Ursula was as happy as on the first day, he began to show signs of alarm. By that time he
101had dissected every dissectible insect in the region, he spoke Spanish like a native, and he had solved
102all of the crossword puzzles in the magazines that he received in the mail. He did not have the
103pretext of climate to hasten their return because nature had endowed him with a colonial liver which
104resisted the drowsiness of siesta time and water that had vinegar worms in it. He liked the native
105cooking so much that once he ate eighty-two iguana eggs at one sitting. Amaranta Ursula, on the
106other hand, had brought in by train fish and shellfish in boxes of ice, canned meats and preserved
107fruits, which were the only things she could eat, and she still dressed in European style and received
108designs by mail in spite of the fact that she had no place to go and no one to visit and by that time
109her husband was not in a mood to appreciate her short skirts, her tilted felt hat, and her seven-strand
110necklaces. Her secret seemed to lie in the fact that she always found a way to keep busy, resolving
111domestic problems that she herself had created, and doing a poor job on a thousand things which
112she would fix on the following day with a pernicious diligence that made one think of Fernanda and
113the hereditary vice of making something just to unmake it. Her festive genius was still so alive then
114that when she received new records she would invite Gaston to stay in the parlor until very late to
115practice the dance steps that her schoolmates described to her in sketches and they would generally
116end up making love on the Viennese rocking chairs or on the bare floor. The only thing that she
117needed to be completely happy was the birth of her children, but she respected the pact she had
118made with her husband not to have any until they had been married for five years.
119Looking for something to fill his idle hours with, Gaston became accustomed to spending the
120morning in Melqufades’ room with the shy Aureliano. He took pleasure in recalling with him the
121most hidden corners of his country, which Aureliano knew as if he had spent much time there.
122When Gaston asked him what he had done to obtain knowledge that was not in the encyclopedia,
123he received the same answer as Jose Arcadio: “Everything Is known.” In addition to Sanskrit he had
124learned English and French and a little Latin and Greek. Since he went out every afternoon at that
125time and Amaranta Ursula had set aside a weekly sum for him for his personal expenses, his room
126looked like a branch of the wise Catalonian’s bookstore. He read avidly until late at night, although
127from the manner in which he referred to his reading, Gaston thought that he did not buy the books
128in order to learn but to verify the tmth of his knowledge, and that none of them interested him
129more than the parchments, to which he dedicated most of his time in the morning. Both Gaston and
130his wife would have liked to incorporate him into the family life, but Aureliano was a hermetic man
131with a cloud of mystery that time was making denser. It was such an unfathomable condition that
132Gaston failed in his efforts to become intimate with him and had to seek other pastimes for his idle
133hours. It was around that time that he conceived the idea of establishing an airmail service.
134It was not a new project. Actually, he had it fairly well advanced when he met Amaranta Ursula,
135except that it was not for Macondo, but for the Belgian Congo, where his family had investments in
136palm oil. The marriage and the decision to spend a few months in Macondo to please his wife had
137obliged him to postpone it. But when he saw that Amaranta Ursula was determined to organize a
138commission for public improvement and even laughed at him when he hinted at the possibility of returning, he understood that things were going to take a long time and he reestablished contact
139with his forgotten partners in Brussels, thinking that it was just as well to be a pioneer in the
140Caribbean as in Africa. While his steps were progressing he prepared a landing field in the old
141enchanted region which at that time looked like a plain of crushed flintstone, and he studied the
142wind direction, the geography of the coastal region, and the best routes for aerial navigation, without
143knowing that his diligence, so similar to that of Mr. Herbert, was filling the town with the dangerous
144suspicion that his plan was not to set up routes but to plant banana trees. Enthusiastic over the idea
145that, after all, might justify his permanent establishment in Macondo, he took several trips to the
146capital of the province, met with authorities, obtained licenses, and drew up contracts for exclusive
147rights. In the meantime he maintained a correspondence with his partners in Brussels which
148resembled that of Fernanda with the invisible doctors, and he finally convinced them to ship the
149first airplane under the care of an expert mechanic, who would assemble it in the nearest port and
150fly it to Macondo. One year after his first meditations and meteorological calculations, trusting in the
151repeated promises of his correspondents, he had acquired the habit of strolling through the streets,
152looking at the sky, hanging onto the sound of the breeze in hopes that the airplane would appear.
153Although she had not noticed it, the return of Amaranta Ursula had brought on a radical change
154in Aureliano’s life. After the death of Jose Arcadio he had become a regular customer at the wise
155Catalonian’s bookstore. Also, the freedom that he enjoyed then and the time at his disposal awoke in
156him a certain curiosity about the town, which he came to know without any surprise. He went
157through the dusty and solitary streets, examining with scientific interest the inside of houses in min,
158the metal screens on the windows broken by mst and the dying birds, and the inhabitants bowed
159down by memories. He tried to reconstruct in his imagination the annihilated splendor of the old
160banana-company town, whose dry swimming pool was filled to the brim with rotting men’s and
161women’s shoes, and in the houses of which, destroyed by rye grass, he found the skeleton of a
162German shepherd dog still tied to a ring by a steel chain and a telephone that was ringing, ringing,
163ringing until he picked it up and an anguished and distant woman spoke in English, and he said yes,
164that the strike was over, that three thousand dead people had been thrown into the sea, that the
165banana company had left, and that Macondo finally had peace after many years. Those wanderings
166led him to the prostrate red-light district, where in other times bundles of banknotes had been
167burned to liven up the revels, and which at that time was a maze of streets more afflicted and
168miserable than the others, with a few red lights still burning and with deserted dance halls adorned
169with the remnants of wreaths, where the pale, fat widows of no one, the French great-grandmothers
170and the Babylonian matriarchs, were still waiting beside their photographs. Aureliano could not find
171anyone who remembered his family, not even Colonel Aureliano Buendia, except for the oldest of
172the West Indian Negroes, an old man whose cottony hair gave him the look of a photographic nega¬
173tive and who was still singing the mournful sunset psalms in the door of his house. Aureliano would
174talk to him in the tortured Papiamento that he had learned in a few weeks and sometimes he would
175share his chicken-head soup, prepared by the great-granddaughter, with him. She was a large black
176woman with solid bones, the hips of a mare, teats like live melons, and a round and perfect head
177armored with a hard surface of wiry hair which looked like a medieval warrior’s mail headdress. Her
178name was Nigromanta. In those days Aureliano lived off the sale of silverware, candlesticks, and
179other bric-a-brac from the house. When he was penniless, which was most of the time, he got
180people in the back of the market to give him the chicken heads that they were going to throw away
181and he would take them to Nigromanta to make her soups, fortified with purslane and seasoned
182with mint. When the great-grandfather died Aureliano stopped going by the house, but he would run
183into Nigromanta under the dark almond trees on the square, using her wild-animal whistles to lure
184the few night owls. Many times he stayed with her, speaking in Papiamento about chicken-head soup
185and other dainties of misery, and he would have kept right on if she had not let him know that his presence frightened off customers. Although he sometimes felt the temptation and although
186Nigromanta herself might have seemed to him as the natural culmination of a shared nostalgia, he
187did not go to bed with her. So Aureliano was still a virgin when Amaranta Ursula returned to
188Macondo and gave him a sisterly embrace that left him breathless. Every time he saw her, and worse
189yet when she showed him the latest dances, he felt the same spongy release in his bones that had
190disturbed his great-great-grandfather when Pilar Ternera made her pretexts about the cards in the
191granary. Trying to squelch the torment, he sank deeper into the parchments and eluded the innocent
192flattery of that aunt who was poisoning his nights with a flow of tribulation, but the more he
193avoided her the more the anxiety with which he waited for her stony laughter, her howls of a happy
194cat, and her songs of gratitude, agonizing in love at all hours and in the most unlikely parts of the
195house. One night thirty feet from his bed, on the silver workbench, the couple with unhinged bellies
196broke the bottles and ended up making love in a pool of muriatic acid. Aureliano not only could not
197sleep for a single second, but he spent the next day with a fever, sobbing with rage. The first night
198that he waited for Nigromanta to come to the shadows of the almond trees it seemed like an
199eternity, pricked as he was by the needles of uncertainty and clutching in his fist the peso and fifty
200cents that he had asked Amaranta Ursula for, not so much because he needed it as to involve her,
201debase her, prostitute her in his adventure in some way. Nigromanta took him to her room, which
202was lighted with false candlesticks, to her folding cot with the bedding stained from bad loves, and
203to her body of a wild dog, hardened and without soul, which prepared itself to dismiss him as if he
204were a frightened child, and suddenly it found a man whose tremendous power demanded a
205movement of seismic readjustment from her insides.
206They became lovers. Aureliano would spend his mornings deciphering parchments and at siesta
207time he would go to the bedroom where Nigromanta was waiting for him, to teach him first how to
208do it like earthworms, then like snails, and finally like crabs, until she had to leave him and lie in wait
209for vagabond loves. Several weeks passed before Aureliano discovered that around her waist she
210wore a small belt that seemed to be made out of a cello string, but which was hard as steel and had
211no end, as if it had been born and grown with her. Almost always, between loves, they would eat
212naked in the bed, in the hallucinating heat and under the daytime stars that the mst had caused to
213shine on the zinc ceiling. It was the first time that Nigromanta had had a steady man, a bone cmsher
214from head to toe, as she herself said, dying with laughter, and she had even begun to get romantic
215illusions when Aureliano confided in her about his repressed passion for Amaranta Ursula, which he
216had not been able to cure with the substitution but which was twisting him inside all the more as
217experience broadened the horizons of love. After that Nigromanta continued to receive him with
218the same warmth as ever but she made him pay for her services so strictly that when Aureliano had
219no money she would make an addition to his bill, which was not figured in numbers but by marks
220that she made with her thumbnail behind the door. At sundown, while she was drifting through the
221shadows in the square, Aureliano, was going along the porch like a stranger, scarcely greeting
222Amaranta Ursula and Gaston, who usually dined at that time, and shutting herself up in his room
223again, unable to read or write or even think because of the anxiety brought on by the laughter, the
224whispering, the preliminary frolics, and then the explosions of agonizing happiness that capped the
225nights in the house. That was his life two years before Gaston began to wait for the airplane, and it
226went on the same way on the afternoon that he went to the bookstore of the wise Catalonian and
227found four ranting boys in a heated argument about the methods used to kill cockroaches in the
228Middle Ages. The old bookseller, knowing about Aureliano’s love for books that had been read only
229by the Venerable Bede, urged him with a certain fatherly malice to get into the discussion, and
230without even taking a breath, he explained that the cockroach, the oldest winged insect on the face
231of the earth, had already been the victim of slippers in the Old Testament, but that since the species
232was definitely resistant to any and all methods of extermination, from tomato dices with borax to flour and sugar, and with its one thousand six hundred three varieties had resisted the most ancient,
233tenacious, and pitiless persecution that mankind had unleashed against any living thing since the
234beginnings, including man himself, to such an extent that just as an instinct for reproduction was at¬
235tributed to humankind, so there must have been another one more definite and pressing, which was
236the instinct to kill cockroaches, and if the latter had succeeded in escaping human ferocity it was
237because they had taken refuge in the shadows, where they became invulnerable because of man’s
238congenital fear of the dark, but on the other hand they became susceptible to the glow of noon, so
239that by the Middle Ages already, and in present times, and per omnia secula seculomm , the only effective
240method for killing cockroaches was the glare of the sun.
241That encyclopedic coincidence was the beginning of a great friendship. Aureliano continued
242getting together in the afternoon with the four arguers, whose names were Alvaro, German,
243Alfonso, and Gabriel, the first and last friends that he ever had in his life. For a man like him, holed
244up in written reality, those stormy sessions that began in the bookstore and ended at dawn in the
245brothels were a revelation. It had never occurred to him until then to think that literature was the
246best plaything that had ever been invented to make fun of people, as Alvaro demonstrated during
247one night of revels. Some time would have to pass before Aureliano realized that such arbitrary
248attitudes had their origins in the example of the wise Catalonian, for whom wisdom was worth
249nothing if it could not be used to invent a way of preparing chick peas.
250The afternoon on which Aureliano gave his lecture on cockroaches, the argument ended up in
251the house of the girls who went to bed because of hunger, a brothel of lies on the outskirts of
252Macondo. The proprietress was a smiling mamasanta , tormented by a mania for opening and closing
253doors. Her eternal smile seemed to have been brought on by the credulity of her customers, who
254accepted as something certain an establishment that did not exist except in the imagination, because
255even the tangible things there were unreal: the furniture that fell apart when one sat on it, the
256disemboweled phonograph with a nesting hen inside, the garden of paper flowers, the calendars
257going back to the years before the arrival of the banana company, the frames with prints cut out of
258magazines that had never been published. Even the timid little whores who came from the neigh¬
259borhood: when the proprietress informed them that customers had arrived they were nothing but an
260invention. They would appear without any greeting in their little flowered dresses left over from days
261when they were five years younger, and they took them off with the same innocence with which they
262had put them on, and in the paroxysms of love they would exclaim good heavens, look how that
263roof is falling in, and as soon as they got their peso and fifty cents they would spend it on a roll with
264cheese that the proprietress sold them, smiling more than ever, because only she knew that that meal
265was not true either. Aureliano, whose world at that time began with Melquiades’ parchments and
266ended in Nigromanta’s bed, found a stupid cure for timidity in the small imaginary brothel. At first
267he could get nowhere, in rooms where the proprietress would enter during the best moments of love
268and make all sorts of comments about the intimate charms of the protagonists. But with time he
269began to get so familiar with those misfortunes of the world that on one night that was more
270unbalanced than the others he got undressed in the small reception room and ran through the house
271balancing a bottle of beer on his inconceivable maleness. He was the one who made fashionable the
272extravagances that the proprietress celebrated with her eternal smile, without protesting, without
273believing in them just as when German tried to burn the house down to show that it did not exist,
274and as when Alfonso wrung the neck of the parrot and threw it into the pot where the chicken stew
275was beginning to boil.
276Although Aureliano felt himself linked to the four friends by a common affection and a common
277solidarity, even to the point where he thought of them as if they were one person, he was closer to
278Gabriel than to the others. The link was born on the night when he casually mentioned Colonel
279Aureliano Buendia and Gabriel was the only one who did not think that he was making fun of somebody. Even the proprietress, who normally did not take part in the conversation argued with a
280madam’s wrathful passion that Colonel Aureliano Buendla, of whom she had indeed heard speak at
281some time, was a figure invented by the government as a pretext for killing Liberals. Gabriel, on the
282other hand, did not doubt the reality of Colonel Aureliano Buendia because he had been a
283companion in arms and inseparable friend of his great-great-grandfather Colonel Gerineldo
284Marquez. Those fickle tricks of memory were even more critical when the killing of the workers was
285brought up. Every time that Aureliano mentioned the matter, not only the proprietress but some
286people older than she would repudiate the myth of the workers hemmed in at the station and the
287train with two hundred cars loaded with dead people, and they would even insist that, after all,
288everything had been set forth in judicial documents and in primary-school textbooks: that the
289banana company had never existed. So that Aureliano and Gabriel were linked by a kind of complic¬
290ity based on real facts that no one believed in, and which had affected their lives to the point that
291both of them found themselves off course in the tide of a world that had ended and of which only
292the nostalgia remained. Gabriel would sleep wherever time overtook him. Aureliano put him up
293several times in the silver workshop, but he would spend his nights awake, disturbed by the noise of
294the dead people who walked through the bedrooms until dawn. Later he turned him over to
295Nigromanta, who took him to her well-used room when she was free and put down his account with
296vertical marks behind the door in the few spaces left free by Aureliano’s debts.
297In spite of their disordered life, the whole group tried to do something permanent at the urging
298of the wise Catalonian. It was he, with his experience as a former professor of classical literature and
299his storehouse of rare books, who got them to spend a whole night in search of the thirty-seventh
300dramatic situation in a town where no one had any interest any more in going beyond primary
301school. Fascinated by the discovery of friendship, bewildered by the enchantments of a world which
302had been forbidden to him by Fernanda’s meanness, Aureliano abandoned the scmtiny of the
303parchments precisely when they were beginning to reveal themselves as predictions in coded lines of
304poetry. But the subsequent proof that there was time enough for everything without having to give
305up the brothels gave him the drive to return to Melquiades’ room, having decided not to flag in his
306efforts until he had discovered the last keys. That was during the time that Gaston began to wait for
307the airplane and Amaranta Ursula was so lonely that one morning she appeared in the room.
308“Hello, cannibal,” she said to him. “Back in your cave again?”
309She was irresistible, with a dress she had designed and one of the long shad-vertebra necklaces
310that she herself had made. She had stopped using the leash, convinced of her husband’s faithfulness,
311and for the first time since her return she seemed to have a moment of ease. Aureliano did not need
312to see her to know that she had arrived. She put her elbows on the table, so close and so helpless
313that Aureliano heard the deep sound of her bones, and she became interested in the parchments.
314Trying to overcome his disturbance, he grasped at the voice that he was losing, the life that was
315leaving him, the memory that was turning into a petrified polyp, and he spoke to her about the
316priestly destiny of Sanskrit, the scientific possibility of seeing the future showing through in time as
317one sees what is written on the back of a sheet of paper through the light, the necessity of
318deciphering the predictions so that they would not defeat themselves, and the Centuries of
319Nostradamus and the destruction of Cantabria predicted by Saint Milanus. Suddenly, without
320interrupting the chat, moved by an impulse that had been sleeping in him since his origins,
321Aureliano put his hand on hers, thinking that that final decision would put an end to Iris doubts. She
322grabbed his index finger with the affectionate innocence with which she had done so in childhood,
323however, and she held it while he kept on answering questions. They remained like that, linked by
324icy index fingers that did not transmit anything in any way until she awoke from her momentary
325dream and slapped her forehead with her hand. “The ants!” she exclaimed. And then she forgot
326about the manuscripts, went to the door with a dance step, and from there she threw Aureliano a kiss with the tips of her fingers as she had said good-bye to her father on the afternoon when they
327sent her to Brussels.
328“You can tell me later,” she said. “I forgot that today’s the day to put quicklime on the anthills.”
329She continued going to the room occasionally when she had something to do in that part of the
330house and she would stay there for a few minutes while her husband continued to scrutinize the sky.
331Encouraged by that change, Aureliano stayed to eat with the family at that time as he had not done
332since the first months of Amaranta Ursula’s return. Gaston was pleased. During the conversations
333after meals, which usually went on for more than an hour, he complained that his partners were
334deceiving him. They had informed him of the loading of the airplane on board a ship that did not
335arrive, and although his shipping agents insisted, that it would never arrive because it was not on the
336list of Caribbean ships, his partners insisted that the shipment was correct and they even insinuated
337that Gaston was lying to them in his letters. The correspondence reached such a degree of mutual
338suspicion that Gaston decided not to write again and he began to suggest the possibility of a quick
339trip to Brussels to clear things up and return with the airplane. The plan evaporated, however, as
340soon as Amaranta Ursula reiterated her decision not to move from Macondo even if she lost a
341husband. During the first days Aureliano shared the general opinion that Gaston was a fool on a
342velocipede, and that brought on a vague feeling of pity. Later, when he obtained deeper information
343on the nature of men in the brothels, he thought that Gaston’s meekness had its origins in unbridled
344passion. But when he came to know him better and realized his tme character was the opposite of
345his submissive conduct, he conceived the malicious suspicion that even the wait for the airplane was
346an act. Then he thought that Gaston was not as foolish as he appeared, but, quite the contrary, was a
347man of infinite steadiness, ability, and patience who had set about to conquer his wife with the
348weariness of eternal agreement, of never saying no, of simulating a limitless conformity, letting her
349become enmeshed in her own web until the day she could no longer bear the tedium of the illusions
350close at hand and would pack the bags herself to go back to Europe. Aureliano’s former pity turned
351into a violent dislike. Gaston’s system seemed so perverse to him, but at the same time so effective,
352that he ventured to warn Amaranta Ursula. She made fun of his suspicions, however, without even
353noticing the heavyweight of love, uncertainty, and jealousy that he had inside. It had not occurred to
354her that she was arousing something more than fraternal affection in Aureliano until she pricked her
355finger trying to open a can of peaches and he dashed over to suck the blood out with an avidity and
356a devotion that sent a chill up her spine.
357“Aureliano!” She laughed, disturbed. “You’re too suspicious to be a good bat.”
358Then Aureliano went all out. Giving her some small, orphaned kisses in the hollow of her
359wounded hand, he opened up the most hidden passageways of his heart and drew out an
360interminable and lacerated intestine, the terrible parasitic animal that had incubated in his mar¬
361tyrdom. He told her how he would get up at midnight to weep in loneliness and rage over the
362underwear that she had left to dry in the bathroom. He told her about the anxiety with which he had
363asked Nigromanta to howl like a cat and sob gaston gaston gaston in his ear, and with how much
364astuteness he had ransacked her vials of perfume so that he could smell it on the necks of the little
365girls who went to bed because of hunger. Frightened by the passion of that outburst, Amaranta
366Ursula was closing her fingers, contracting them like a shellfish until her wounded hand, free of all
367pain and any vestige of pity, was converted into a knot of emeralds and topazes and stony and
368unfeeling bones.
369“Fool!” she said as if she were spitting. “I’m sailing on the first ship leaving for Belgium.”
370Alvaro had come to the wise Catalonian’s bookstore one of those afternoons proclaiming at the
371top of his lungs his latest discovery: a zoological brothel. It was called The Golden Child and it was
372a huge open air salon through which no less than two hundred bitterns who told the time with a
373deafening cackling strolled at will. In wire pens that surrounded the dance floor and among large Amazonian camellias there were herons of different colors, crocodiles as fat as pigs, snakes with
374twelve rattles, and a turtle with a gilded shell who dove in a small artificial ocean. There was a big
375white dog, meek and a pederast, who would give stud services nevertheless in order to be fed. The
376atmosphere had an innocent denseness, as if it had just been created, and the beautiful mulatto girls
377who waited hopelessly among the blood-red petals and the outmoded phonograph records knew
378ways of love that man had left behind forgotten in the earthly paradise. The first night that the
379group visited that greenhouse of illusions the splendid and taciturn old woman who guarded the
380entrance in a wicker rocking chair felt that time was turning back to its earliest origins when among
381the five who were arriving she saw a bony, jaundiced man with Tartar cheekbones, marked forever
382and from the beginning of the world with the pox of solitude.
383“Lord, Lord,” she sighed, “Aureliano!”
384She was seeing Colonel Aureliano Buendia once more as she had seen him in the light of a lamp
385long before the wars, long before the desolation of glory and the exile of disillusionment, that
386remote dawn when he went to her bedroom to give the first command of his life: the command to
387give him love. It was Pilar Ternera. Years before, when she had reached one hundred forty-five years
388of age, she had given up the pernicious custom of keeping track of her age and she went on living in
389the static and marginal time of memories, in a future perfectly revealed and established, beyond the
390futures disturbed by the insidious snares and suppositions of her cards.
391From that night on Aureliano, took refuge in the compassionate tenderness and understanding of
392his unknown great-great-grandmother. Sitting in her wicker rocking chair, she would recall the past,
393reconstmct the grandeur and misfortunes of the family and the splendor of Macondo, which was
394now erased, while Alvaro frightened the crocodiles with his noisy laughter and Alfonso invented
395outlandish stories about the bitterns who had pecked out the eyes of four customers who
396misbehaved the week before, and Gabriel was in the room of the pensive mulatto girl who did not
397collect in money but in letters to a smuggler boyfriend who was in prison on the other side of the
398Orinoco because the border guards had caught him and had made him sit on a chamberpot that
399filled up with a mixture of shit and diamonds. That true brothel, with that maternal proprietress, was
400the world of which Aureliano had dreamed during his prolonged captivity. He felt so well, so close
401to perfect companionship, that he thought of no other refuge on the afternoon on which Amaranta
402Ursula had made his illusions crumble. He was ready to unburden himself with words so that
403someone could break the knots that bound his chest, but he only managed to let out a fluid, warm,
404and restorative weeping in Pilar Ternera’s lap. She let him finish, scratching his head with the tips of
405her fingers, and without his having revealed that he was weeping from love, she recognized
406immediately the oldest sobs in the history of man.
407“It’s all right, child,” she consoled him. “Now tell me who it is.”
408When Aureliano told her, Pilar Ternera let out a deep laugh, the old expansive laugh that ended
409up as a cooing of doves. There was no mystery in the heart of a Buendia that was impenetrable for
410her because a century of cards and experience had taught her that the history of the family was a
411machine with unavoidable repetitions, a turning wheel that would have gone on spilling into eternity
412were it not for the progressive and irremediable wearing of the axle.
413“Don’t worry,” she said, smiling. “Wherever she is right now, she’s waiting for you.”
414It was half past four in the afternoon when Amaranta Ursula came out of her bath. Aureliano
415saw her go by his room with a robe of soft folds and a towel wrapped around her head like a turban.
416He followed her almost on tiptoes, stumbling from dmnkenness, and he went into the nuptial
417bedroom just as she opened the robe and closed it again in fright. He made a silent signal toward the
418next room where the door was half open and where Aureliano knew that Gaston was beginning to
419write a letter.
420“Go away,” she said voicelessly.
421Aureliano, smiled, picked her up by the waist with both hands like a pot of begonias, and
422dropped her on her back on the bed. With a brutal tug he pulled off her bathrobe before she had
423time to resist and he loomed over an abyss of newly washed nudity whose skin color, lines of fuzz,
424and hidden moles had all been imagined in the shadows of the other rooms. Amaranta Ursula
425defended herself sincerely with the astuteness of a wise woman, weaseling her slippery, flexible, and
426fragrant weasel’s body as she tried to knee him in the kidneys and scorpion his face with her nails,
427but without either of them giving a gasp that might not have been taken for that breathing of a
428person watching the meager April sunset through the open window. It was a fierce fight, a battle to
429the death, but it seemed to be without violence because it consisted of distorted attacks and ghostly
430evasions, slow, cautious, solemn, so that during it all there was time for the petunias to bloom and
431for Gaston to forget about his aviator’s dream in the next room, as if they were two enemy lovers
432seeking reconciliation at the bottom of an aquarium. In the heat of that savage and ceremonious
433struggle, Amaranta Ursula understood that her meticulous silence was so irrational that it could
434awaken the suspicions of her nearby husband much more than the sound of warfare that they were
435trying to avoid. Then she began to laugh with her lips tight together, without giving up the fight, but
436defending herself with false bites and deweaseling her body little by little until they both were
437conscious of being adversaries and accomplices at the same time and the affray degenerated into a
438conventional gambol and the attacks became caresses. Suddenly, almost playfully, like one more bit
439of mischief, Amaranta Ursula dropped her defense, and when she tried to recover, frightened by
440what she herself had made possible, it was too late. A great commotion immobilized her in her
441center of gravity, planted her in her place, and her defensive will was demolished by the irresistible
442anxiety to discover what the orange whistles and the invisible globes on the other side of death were
443like. She barely had time to reach out her hand and grope for the towel to put a gag between her
444teeth so that she would not let out the cat howls that were already tearing at her insides.